Wednesday, October 03, 2007

6 months

Dear Aven,
HALF A YEAR! I'm so baffled about where the time went. I feel like summer just started, and that we still have july evening walks to take, and august camping trips to have. But fall is here now, and I have to accept that nothing will ever be still again, least of all you. You're almost sitting up on your own now, you can do straight-arm push-ups, and I won't be surprised if you're crawling by the time I write my 7-month letter.

This past month, like the five before it, is full of firsts. The biggest one is sitting right in the middle of your bottom jaw--and it already has a next-door neighbour! Your first tooth came in on September 24th, and the second appeared within two weeks. Your first didn't seem to bother you much; your second turned you into a little bear. Some days, during your normal happy times, you would just chomp on your fingers and scream in pain ... I felt so terrible for you, my little chonch.
But the day it finally cut through, you were happier than ever, shrieking with happiness and smiling at everyone.

You have also begun to notice that you have two black, furry "siblings" ... you turn your head when you hear the cats, and watch them curiously. Last week, you actually started reaching your hands out to them to feel the strange fluffy surface, and you gave Rooney's ears a little rub. They still aren't sure what to think of you, but they'll adjust.

When you were newborn, you hated your bath. Then, you loved it. Now, you've gone through a hating phase again. I think it has something to do with being reclined; you keep grimacing and trying to do sit-ups if I lay you back. So for now, until you can sit up on your own, we're in kind of an awkward transition phase where I have to support you in the bath, and you splash a bit but aren't thrilled. We'll get through it! The last time you had a bath in the kitchen, I let you play with the mini-sprayer on the sink and you tried to grab the little streams of water... you seemed very confused when you couldn't get a hold of them!

Speaking of holding, you have a very cute new sleeping ritual. Since you are no longer swaddled, I needed to give your busy hands something to hold onto. Enter Dolly. Dolly is a little yellow-and-white striped cloth doll that was handed down from my family. When you lay down in your crib to go to sleep, you roll towards Dolly and hold her tight, stroking and squeezing her. Then you usually reach a hand up to find where my hand is, and lightly touch it and inspect it with your fingertips as you drift off. It's a very precious habit!

You've also graduated to a new carseat, one that will carry you right until you're done with a booster. Although this carseat isn't a carrier like your old one, you fall asleep in it much easier. So, I've had to become a pro at gingerly plucking you out of the seat without waking you!

Your short naps are still in effect, but your nights are generally wonderful! You can now go 8-10 hours before your first feeding (although you always still wake up a few times in the first couple hours, just wanting my company and not being able to get back to sleep on your own). I'm so very glad that you decided to drop the 1/2 am feeding! I was falling asleep in the rocking chair more often than not...

We've come so far, but we still have so far to go, little pumpkin.

Love, Mommy