Monday, February 26, 2007

Yes, I do have a head.

I've been getting some requests for photos that show more than just my belly. I usually take photos of myself, so rather than set up the timer and walk away to try make a dorky pose look somewhat human, I tend to hold ithe camera at arm's length (and all I can capture is the belly!). But since you're not getting the "whole picture", here are some full-body shots to keep you entertained.

So my cats are a little possessive ... "My belly! My bum! Don't touch!" (And yes, I am as uncomfortable as I look)

I think I have bad posture.

My face looks more pregnant than my belly here!

Completely sticking it out.

This last one should show you how different shirts can make my belly look totally different sizes!

Sunday, February 25, 2007

There's a haul in my hall!

For a few more photos of my baby shower, click the Flickr link on the right column.
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Wednesday, February 21, 2007

33 weeks

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What's that you ask? Am I smuggling a basketball? Why yes, I am indeed!

Monday, February 12, 2007

32 weeks

Okay, so... can I stop growing now? This size is about as big as I'd like to be! (Too bad that I have about 8 weeks to go and supposedly the baby will DOUBLE in size by then!)
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Again, Rerun is interested in making sure the new products meet his rigorous standards.
I just threw some random blankets/pillows in to make it look pretty for a photo... this is not the actual bedding we'll be using (pillows in cribs are bad!)
Thanks for the crib and mattress Mom and Dad! They were much needed :)
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Thursday, February 08, 2007

31 weeks (belated)

Lately it feels as though my ribs are being driven apart by a very small, very intent person! Ow!
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