I actually took three tests just to be sure! Here are the second and third, taken at around 4 weeks. The positive lines are light, but they're definitely there!
I am a self-admitting baby-gear fanatic. I don't like clutter, but I do like things that make my day easier, cleaner, safer, simpler and all around better. Come here if you want reviews on popular maternity, baby, toddler and child products. And if you are a company that would like your product reviewed, please don't hesitate to send free samples my way! Guest bloggers also welcome.
I'm glad that there is another crazy out there that takes pictures of pee sticks.
go to www.peeonastick.com. then you really won't feel alone!
no WAY!
Aww... I didn't get a picture of mine!
I like your pee sticks, Hayley. They're nice.
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