Thursday, September 28, 2006

It's real!

Okay, so even though I knew I was pregnant (because the tests said so and because my body has been abducted by aliens), I think I always had this bizarre fear in the back of my mind that I would go for my first ultrasound and see only a blackened void of nothing. Irrational? Yes. But it's hard to grasp the reality of something you can't see, and you start to wonder if it's all in your mind. Thankfully, it is not. Behold! S.S. Morgan* in the flesh!

In case you see only a grey blob with no apparent resemblace to any form of human, you're looking at a side profile of the baby on its back; the head is on the left and the belly is on the right. If you look closely, you can see a tiny TINY little leg/knee/foot bending on the far right.

*S.S.Morgan is what we called the baby when it was around 5 weeks (the size of a Sesame Seed).


Sarah said...

cool!!! welcome, s.s. morgan!

"s.s." is for what?!

Sarah said...

cool!!! welcome, s.s. morgan!

"s.s." is for what?!

hayley said...

oh! s.s. morgan is what we called it around week 5 when it was the size of a Sesame Seed!

Anonymous said...


How fun is that? I remember seeing Sloan for the first time - it's so incredible eh??? Did you get to hear the heartbeat? Just day soon you will be holding that little baby in your arms and you will be blown away that he/she was ever that tiny!!

Lots of love...Amber

anj said...

so incredible! i remember the experience clearly - i knew that i was pregnant, but no one else has confirmed that first image, the first sound, it just hit me so hard!

Anonymous said...

i LOVE the S.S. Morgan!! i LOVE her!! i want to meet her NOW!!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful baby! How amazing is this, anyway?!!

S.S. is SUCH a better pre-birth name than "Cletus the Fetus," as Simon was affectionately known by one of our friends.

Please tell little S.S. that I already love him/her!

PS- is that a little hand I see in front of a little face? Simon was doing that in his ultrasound pics, too!