hayley - you look so great! i think i have the same shirt :). how are you feeling? it is SOOOO strange for me to see you at 30 weeks, since that's when Asher was born.
nathan & tara - you should definitely use cloth! i love cloth diapers. i usually buy mine online. there are many Canadian stores where you can get them new (off the top of my head - jamtots.com, parentingbynature.com, justbehinds.ca, forbabywithlove.ca), and if you don't mind buying used, check out diaperswappers.com (you'll have to register to see the posts, but there is a big buy/sell/trade section where you can find some GREAT deals on cloth diapering items).
I am a self-admitting baby-gear fanatic. I don't like clutter, but I do like things that make my day easier, cleaner, safer, simpler and all around better. Come here if you want reviews on popular maternity, baby, toddler and child products. And if you are a company that would like your product reviewed, please don't hesitate to send free samples my way! Guest bloggers also welcome.
are you going to use cloth? I want to eventually but don't know where to get them.... ESPECIALLY in Bruce County...
hayley - you look so great! i think i have the same shirt :). how are you feeling? it is SOOOO strange for me to see you at 30 weeks, since that's when Asher was born.
nathan & tara - you should definitely use cloth! i love cloth diapers. i usually buy mine online. there are many Canadian stores where you can get them new (off the top of my head - jamtots.com, parentingbynature.com, justbehinds.ca, forbabywithlove.ca), and if you don't mind buying used, check out diaperswappers.com (you'll have to register to see the posts, but there is a big buy/sell/trade section where you can find some GREAT deals on cloth diapering items).
Thanks Karen :D
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