Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Just call me Magpie

I've put some photos of the almost-ready baby's room up on my flickr site (click link at the right). There will probably be a few more soon as I put on the finishing touches.
As I approach 37 weeks, I am getting more and more uncomfortable! Rolling over in bed is quite the task, and today I had the first taste of what it means to have "cankles". The baby has started to drop, which is really good, but it also means more pressure for my pelvis (and bladder!). I'm excited to hit the 37 week mark because then there's no chance of having a premature baby! (37 weeks and 1 day would be A-okay with me though!)
I've also discovered that I seem to have developed temporary carpal tunnel ... my hands go numb when I sleep and they constantly feel stiff, sore, and swollen. But apparently it's quite common in late pregnancy, so I'm just going to have to deal with it!
And finally, it seems I have developed a weird craving after all! It may surprise you ... it's ICE. Yes, crunchy small pieces of ice that you get in your fountain pop. You may have heard about a condition (most often in pregnancy) called "pica", which means "magpie". Magpies will eat just about anything, and women with this condition can crave anything from DIRT and SOAP to ASHES and CHALK (basically anything non-food)! Ice is one of the things listed on there (thankfully one of the least harmful), so I guess I have a mild form of it. It's strange though ... lately my toothpaste, foamy facial cleanser, and minty lip balm seem especially yummy to me when I use them. Don't worry, though, I don't have any plans to drink my soap!


Anonymous said..., eh?:) Well, at least it's water! I've heard about this temporary carpal tunnel syndrome that pregnant woman get...crazy, but yeah for almost being 37 weeks lets hope you have your darling next week!!

MommyX3 said...

Yea Hayley! So very very close! And yea for the baby dropping! :) I don't know that feeling.. :( My kids never did drop.. even William, and he was overdue.. *sigh* ah well, I have 3 healthy, beautiful children, and my vagina isn't all stretched out of shape.. *am I allowed to say that*?? :) And the carpal tunnel syndrome WILL pass.. I had it 2 out of 3 times. :) It's the most annoying thing. I couldn't use the computer mouse without my hand and wrist falling asleep.. :P Good luck with the ice.. haha. :) Eating ice can also mean you have low iron, which often happens during pregnancy as well. :) I can't wait for you guys to have your baby! :) :) :)

anj said...

this ice thing is interesting. i've always been one to love crunching something cold, and desired it even more the whole way through my pregnancy. i think i ate 2 boxes of no name 'ice pops' every week!

Sarah said...

If it ever gets to the point of you eating ashes, dirt, soap, or any of the other things mentioned, call me and I'll come do some exterminating.