Saturday, July 28, 2007


It's been awhile since I've posted anything, although there are new photos up on Flickr if you want to see Aven growing! She's getting nice and chubby.

We had a busy couple of weeks with her dedication, grandparents visiting, and then Tyler and Anita's wedding. Aven did so well at both events! She definitely got cranky and thrown off-routine later in the day, but I'm so proud of her perfect behaviour when it really counted. She got pretty overstimulated at the wedding reception and we had to leave before it was over, but she made it until 10:30! Pretty good for 3.5 months old.

Earlier this week we went to visit Cat and her new baby Sophia at a camp near Huntsville. Aven was doing great until we hit a huge traffic jam in Barrie. She screamed quite a bit, and I don't blame her! During our overnight visit, she was really content ... she even went to bed fine ( I think it's because I tried to recreate our home bedtime routine). The ride home, however, was pretty awful. She couldn't fall asleep and became so upset that she was inconsolable, even when I stopped repeatedly to calm her. I eventually had to just let her scream and cry herself to sleep, which was heartbreaking. But if I hadn't done it, who knows how long it would have taken me to get home (it took over 5 hours anyways).

So we're taking some time now just to relax and enjoy our daily routine! I can't believe she's almost 4 months old. Almost time to write the next letter!

1 comment:

MommyX3 said...

Haha.. I rememeber driving in London when Laura was a baby.. She'd sleep when we were driving, then wake up screaming at EVERY stop.. it was crazy.. :) Don't worry, they DO grow out of it. :)