Thursday, December 27, 2007

8 Months

Dear Aven,
I'm sorry this letter is so late (almost time for your 9-month letter!). Things have been busy around here and we're all going to be moving soon. More about that later!

This month we took a BIG weekend trip! Your daddy used to play in a band, and we wanted to spend time with all the people he used to play with. We took a 5-hour drive and stayed two nights with Brad and Erin in Huntsville. You were so much fun all weekend, and Erin even said afterwards that she kept forgetting there was even a baby in the house! Thank you for always being so entertaining, accomodating, and just plain cute. You're easy to show off.

This month your sleeping took a major turn... for the better! One night, during your usual half-an-hour-into-sleep wake-up, I went to you as I always do, to help you get back to sleep. After a minute or two, you were still crying but I HAD TO go to the bathroom... there really was no choice! So, feeling terrible, I left you crying in your crib and left you. I was SHOCKED when, only two minutes later, you stopped crying and were sound asleep. And then you slept. And Slept. And SLEPT!!! From then on you have had amazing night sleep, sometimes going 8 to 10 hours before joining me in bed! I'm so happy for you, for me, for us. Even when you have setbacks (a cold, teething, travelling), it's still wonderful to know that it is possible, and that you CAN do it. It's been a long road, tiny. I think that's what makes it feel even sweeter.

Another huge milestone this month is that we let you be put to bed by someone other than me for the first time. Daddy and I had to go to my work party, and since you just suddenly stopped wanting to be nursed right before bed, I figured you were ready. Muma came over to go through your bedtime routine with you, and we left. I was pretty worried about you, but I was confident that you were ready. And you were! My dear little girl, you were an angel for Muma. I'm so proud of you... and proud of me for not calling even once to check in!

Daddy went away for a week this month and you and I got a little stir-crazy. We were both sick with colds, and it snowstormed for a few days. I love you ... always will... but that week with you was really hard! Sometimes we just need other places and other people to break the monotony and help us not get bored or exhausted. I was mean to daddy and sent him this photo while he was gone though:

Grandma came to visit us, and brought you lots of fun things! You got a sled as an early Christmas present, and some toys and books and a crib skirt that she made for you, to match your room. She was very sad to say goodbye at the end of the trip ... she especially loves how you rotate your wrists.

There is already SO MUCH that I have to write about for your next month, so I'll end this one here!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

2 things: first of all, could that child's face BE any sweeter? I think not. Also, that's a pretty wicked looking sled.