Monday, November 20, 2006

20 weeks


Anonymous said...

looking good:)

karen said...

Hi, Hayley!

you look so cute pregnant! congratulations, by the way! :) amy gave me the link for this site.

that's awesome that you're planning on doing cloth diapers. besides being better for the environment, they are SO much cuter than disposables!! there's nothing like a good bubble butt on a baby or toddler! i have found some good deals on you have to register, but once you do, you can go to the different categories and buy used diapers from other moms who use cloth. have you decided what you're going to use? (prefolds, fitteds, pockets, etc?)

in answer to your question about melaleuca, i believe you can order without being a member, but the prices are a lot higher. we order through friends, which helps out both of us, because then the minimum monthly spending required to be a member is split between two families.

anyway, congratulations again! i hope everything goes smoothly for you. our baby is breech right now (i'm almost 28 weeks), so we're praying that this baby will turn around!

Karen Ennema