Saturday, November 18, 2006


So here I am at 20 weeks, and baby is half-brewed. I feel like I need to say something profound to mark this occasion, but all I can think of is the cliched "time has flown, but I feel like I've been pregnant forever." It's funny how a pre-set length of time does that to a person.

To sum up my pregnancy so far, I'd have to say that I really can't complain. Yes, I have a few aches and pains, and some small things get sacrificed, but I'm glad that I can truly enjoy being pregnant and don't have my head perma-stuck in a toilet or a face full of acne. I know some women look forward to pregnancy so much and then end up disappointed when it's not what they expected. I feel blessed that I am healthy and supported. I love seeing my belly grow and feeling little kicks.

Speaking of support, Justin has been wonderful. He wants the baby to be here now! Some people have asked whether I've had any freak-outs or panic yet about becoming a mother, and I have to honestly say no. But I credit this calmness to Justin, because he has never doubted our ability to do this, or let any of the fears take place of excitement (I know, weird huh?). His calmness is both surprising and comforting, and I hope it continues as we approach April! The only thing he worries about a little is how much pain I'll have to go through in labour. Aw. Well, at least it's a valid concern.

I feel that now I have to get a little more serious about making sure I have everything I'll need for when the baby comes. I want to get everything in order and good to go. Up until now I've just been getting a feel for what's out there and what I need (the trip to register was helpful for that). The things I'm most on the lookout for right now (things I didn't register for) are a good-height dresser (used is fine) to use as a change table, cloth diapers of all kinds (and everything that goes along with cloth diapering), curtains, and a sling carrier (got my eye on a cute one!). Once I get some of these things, I know I'll start feeling more prepared. I also have a wonderful load of stuff, including a crib, coming from my cousin (Hi Steph!). I just have to arrange to get it from Barrie to here.

Justin and I (and many others!) are still convinced that this baby is a girl, but we're not going to find out and we could be 100% wrong. Either way, this baby is going to be mostly comprised of milk, ham/pickle/summer sausage subs, milk, chocolate, milk, bacon, milk, grilled cheese sandwiches and cereal (with milk)! I don't think my cravings have been too strange so far, but I do want what I want when I want it, and it's usually very specific. The strangest craving I had in my head the other day (which I did not act on, by the way) was a simultaneous desire for chili and angel food cake! Do I get points for originality?

Thanks to everyone who checks back for updates and offers encouragement along the way. I love being able to share this crazy experience with you even though most of us are hours apart.

On to the next 20 (hopefully 18-19) weeks!


Anonymous said...

hey hayley...thanks for the detailed update. i feel like you are having a really similar pregnancy to what i had with sloan...maybe it is a girl!?! :)

don't worry about have no idea what to expect...but you will get through it. it's amazing how strong and proud of yourself you will feel when it's all over!

Anonymous said...

Hayley!Wow, I can only imagine how you must feel being half way there:) I'm glad for you haven't felt too sick:) Its great to hear what a support Justin--that's awesome!!I've said it before, but I am really so glad for you two and excited!! Fun to see what you do have--I offer no opinion in the past I have usually been wrong:) Hugs from afar!!

P.s. finally posted some new pics on flickr--lots of baby shots after you get through all the cute pics of my little sisters!

LStew said...

i don't think its going to be a girl. i think its going to be a chunky boy. with the greatest smile ever.

Anonymous said...

You could be 100% wrong...but wouldn't it be wierd if you were 33% wrong!

Sarah said...

justin? supportive? way to be the man, friend! i'm loving the belly and this whole time with you guys... hopefully I'm still around when P-Mo is gone!

And i'm about to eBay a certain cloth diaper product you might be interested in...